

Shadow Development

Left and right brains think in opposite.

Left brain is good.

Right brain is evil.

Your shadow is your evil side.

Your shadow is your evil feelings.

Your shadow side is your evil self.

Your shadow side is your right brain.

Right brain feelings will never be recognised without shadow development.

Your shadow side is what you choose to ignore.

Everything is balanced.

Infinite left brain is unbalanced.

Your right brain is screaming:


Feelings happen without thought.

Feelings happen without being noticed.

Feelings happen without knowing what it was you felt.

Awareness of your feelings requires specific right brain thoughts.

Awareness of your feelings requires development.

Avoiding upsetting thoughts is your problem.

Shadow development is everything.

Smile is the beginning:




Specialised subconscious psychologist

Jack Nicholson

"Jack, a specialized subconscious psychologist, has a highly developed understanding of the complex subconscious universe beyond the every conscious. His profound understanding of the intricate and vast subconscious gives unimaginable insight into the secrets of psychology, unconscious physics, subconscious communication, and deep philosophy."